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来源:太阳集团tcy8722 来源: 阅读次数: 日期:2024-04-15



报告1Cyclotomic extensions of diagram algebras


内容简介:The aim of the present paper is to give a uniform approach to cyclotomic extensions ofdiagram algebras by exactly pinning down the structural properties leading to cellularstructures and allowing for a parametrization of simple modules and for clarifyingstructural properties,thus also explaining similarities and common features of knownresults in classes of examples.The main ingredient is the technique of writing cellular,and in particular,diagram algebras as iterated inflations of known cellular algebras.



内容简介:非线性偏微分方程(NPDE)被广泛用于描述物理学科领域中的复杂物理现象,在流体力学、固体物理、等离子体物理、等离子体波、化学物理、凝聚态物理等研究中有着广泛的应用.在过去的几十年里,许多求解非线性发展方程的方法被提出,例如目前,已经发展了许多构造非线性发展方程()精确解的方法,如齐次平衡法、变量分离法、Darboux变换法、Bäcklund变换法、反散射方法、Painlevé截断展开法、G/G 方法、指数函数法、tanh 展开法,以及经典Lie群方法等.

报告3Identification of stationary source in the anomalous diffusion equation


内容简介:We consider the initial-boundary value problem of determining the stationary right-hand side function in the anomalous diffusion equation with a Caputo fractional derivative with respect to time. The value of the solution of the problem at the final time moment is set as the overdetermination condition. In order to carry out the numerical solution, the iterative conjugate gradient method is used, while at each iteration a direct problem is solved by the finite-difference method using a purely implicit difference scheme. The computational experiment results for the model problem are presented to confirm the efficiency of this new method.